The ear shape just like their size, is determined before birth, children often inherit drooping ears from their parents or grandparents. The ear can be drooping because of the undeveloped, irregular antihelix or excessively large ears.
Most often it is carried out under local anesthesia. The skin incision is made behind the ear, usually by removing a strip of the skin. The antihelix fold is formed, softening the cartilage and closing its softened fragment. A large ear (cartilage) is attached with special stitching to the area behind the ear, as well as the ear drooping angle is changed. The skin behind the ear is closed by the “internal” seam, which is removed after 7-8 days.
Ear cartilage seam Seam of the skin behind the ear
Post-operative period
Ears are dressed without covering the face. At home it is advisable to lie on the back with the raised head. The next day, the change of dressing is recommended. Later, the patient wears ear bandage for 7 days. A week later, after removal of sutures, ear dressing is no longer necessary, but it is recommended to put a band on the ears at night for a further 2 weeks.
Operational risk
Drooping ear surgery as well as any intervention may have some reaction to the anesthesia, temporary swelling, a feeling of tension, post-operative pain and bruising. Very rarely, bleeding, wound infection, scar hypertrophy may occur.