The size and shape of the breasts depend on a woman’s body, the characteristics of genetic heredity, diet, age and, finally, the geographical factor. Nature does not always give a woman the breast shapes she would like to have. In this case, breast augmentation with implants can fulfil a woman’s dream of having breasts of the desired shape and size.
It is important before the surgery to select the appropriate implant size and shape and the location of the incision for the breast enhancement surgery and cavity-pocket layers for implant insertion.
According to the type of their sheath, breast implants are divided into silicone and polyurethane implants.
Polyurethane implants ‘stick’ to both muscle and glandular tissues firmly and quickly (within 10 days) and do not slide down. On the other hand, they are sensitive to tissue pressure and can wrinkle, resulting in the formation of a larger pocket.
According to their surface, silicone implants are divided into micro-textured and macro-textured implants. The use of macro-textured implants is limited due to the potential risk of developing T-cell lymphoma in one breast capsule (i.e. 1 case out of 3,700 cases) and it is therefore recommended that they be used only in the event of medical indications. Recently, these implants have been most often used for breast reconstruction and in the cases of pronounced asymmetry.
Aesthetic surgeries use smooth or micro-textured implants, which pose minimal risk of both capsular contracture and the development of T-cell lymphoma in the breast capsule.
All implants, except Blite, have an inner silicone filler. Modern Blite implants are filled with hollow microspheres, which, when added to binding silicone gel, reduce the density of the implant filler making it 30% lighter.
By shape, breast implants are divided into round and anatomical. Using anatomical implants makes it easier to create a natural-looking breast.
If the breasts are sagging and volumetric filling with an implant is insufficient, it is also necessary to perform a breast lift.
Breast enhancement with implants can be done through an incision under the breast, through the armpit incision or the incision in the areola (dark area around the nipple). I personally recommend an incision under the breast, i.e. in the breast fold. This incision is the most convenient during a surgery as it is possible to see the entire course of the surgery without any ‘blind’ action being performed. Pocket for the implant can be formed under the gland, completely or partially under the muscle or partially under the gland (double plan).

Incision area
Possible incision places for breast implants: armpit, areola, under the breast.
Breast implants lodge location
Under the gland Under the muscle Partially under the muscle / partially under the gland
Surgery risk
Like any intervention, breast augmentation can cause some reaction to anaesthesia, temporary swelling, a feeling of stretching or reduced nipple sensitivity. There are very rare cases of bleeding, wound infections or scar hypertrophy.
Postoperative period
The patient can usually return to work after 7 to 10 days, but should avoid physical activity for about a month. The patient should wear a special bra for 4 to 6 weeks.
This procedure produces a long-lasting result, but fluctuations in body weight, childbirth and age-related changes in the body can affect the shape of the breast.