Kad Jūs žinotumėt, su kokiu pasididžiavimu tariu Jūsų pavardę, kai pakrypsta kalba apie plastinę chirurgiją- mano gydytojas S. Vikšraitis! 🤗 Taip, nei teigiu, nei neigiu, nes nežinau(o ir žinot nenoriu), gal yra ir kitų gerų tos srities specialistų, bet kad mano geriausias, tai faktas, savo kailiu, t.y. kūnuMore
Labas mielas Sauliau! Labai noriu padėkoti už viską, ką dėl manęs padarėte ... Svajojau patekti pas tave! More
Darant nuotraukas pastebėjau kad visos jos man gražios! Visose matau pačią gražiausią save, esu begalo jums dekinga!More
I was searching for the good plastic surgeon for a year and a half, and by advice, found dr.Viksraitis. I am such a person that even small details are important for me, and coming to the consultation, before my surgery, took away all my doubts about choosing a doctor! His private clinic is just perfect, and More
We were immediately on the same level with Dr Saulius Viksraitis, and I felt I was in safe hands. Clinic was bright, modern and elegant. Consultation with Diana went excellent, all the matters were answered. I recommend Dr Saulius Viksraitis to everyone who wants best surgery possible.More
I want to write to thank you all for your care, patience and thoughtfulness during my time at SV Plastic Surgery Centre. The service was second to none. It’s been 3 weeks since my Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery and I’m healing well and loving my results so far. More